Tuesday, August 28, 2018

World Building Day 1 HW

Fragile Orchid's Home:

The small pond that Orchid lives in located just on the outskirts of Emerald City, bordering Gillikin country. In this mountainous area, the land is quite barren at the base of the mountains near the border, with little grass, a lot of dirt, and very little color. Yet about 1/2 a mile from the yellow brick road you will find a tiny oasis. A small pond that has some lively grass and cat tails, but the main attraction is the sole flower, Orchid. Brightly colored with blues, purples, and whites, she really brings the light to the oasis. Due to this, she was never allowed to really do anything but be an attraction that would bring travelers far and wide to gaze upon her beauty. She basically kept the place running. Yet as time passed, fewer and fewer people would visit the oasis and more and more of the species that lived there left too. Soon it was just Orchid living there, but she only ever posed for others and did not even think of leaving. So she waited and waited, days went by, weeks, years... Until some travelers happened upon her and give her the chance to live a life worth living.

Of the other characters from Oz, I would love for Jack Pumpkinhead to visit orchid's pond. He reminds me a lot of a hybrid between the tin man and the scarecrow. He is seen as not very bright, but will often have wisdom to share and has a lot of common sense. I feel that he would be a good influence on Orchid and would probably be encouraging of her. I also like that they are both plant based so I feel that that could play in a story well, possibly one getting injured and the other knowing what to do.

World Building Day 1

Creating an interesting character:

Three main points one should hit when creating a character:
- Dominant trait
- Emerging trait that should be hinted by their appearance and through actions through the narrative that undermines their dominant trait
- Extra trait that makes them unique

In the Wizard of Oz, every character fits into this formula

The Scarecrow:
- Dominant Trait: He states that he does not have a brain, his head is full of straw
- Emerging Trait: He is really intelligent, every idea he has is helpful
- Extra Trait: Very modest in his intelligence, to the point where he believes he is not

Not the roles they play (hero, villian, support, mentor), the character is separate from that
Cast the character in the role

There are 4 cardinal directions

My Oz Character:

  • Something the character says that demonstrates their dominant trait
  • Brief description of the character
  • Opposite trait
  • Complementary trait
  • Something that character wears that suggests the complementary trait
  • What do they see to the East that inspires them
  • To the south what do they gather
  • West - Judgement day
  • North - action 

Character: Fragile Orchid

Says: "I am the most beautiful, yet fragile flower in the land. Thus I am to stay in this spot so
people can stare at me all day. Whoop-dee-do"

Dominant Trait: She is fragile and beautiful and must be protected

Opposite Trait: She is very brave and headstrong. Throughout the story she is given the opportunity to travel

Complementary Trait: Very Passive Aggressive and a bit sarcastic. She is bitter about herself, not wanting to be
stared at all day, thus has a bit of a bite when she speaks

Something she wears that hints at this trait: when she is not posing she wears a permanent "bitch face"/scowl. Not until the end does she
really smile out of joy.

Where does she live: She lives near an oasis of sorts. A small pond that is quite barren except for
some grass and earth, but she is the only pop of color, thus making her the most beautiful thing in
the area

What inspires the character to leave when she looks East: She sees a road leading away from her home, far off a hint of another world with more color
that her ever held. Emerald City was just in her sights and she needed to go. Though frightening to
leave all you know, she leaves in hope of finding freedom and happiness

What does the character collect/gather for her journey: She would gather a weapon for herself, originally believing it would make her feel safer.
She finds a small sword that she holds close to her by using a sheath and belt.

Day of Judgement: Seeing that she is not able to find happiness in her role at the pond
she can imagine the possibilities out there is she were to take the journey. She sees herself in
her sword and can see herself becoming someone she is proud of and happy living as.

Day of Action: This day she realizes that she has no idea how to protect her self nor use
the fancy sword she had procured. She is attacked by a beast and is stepped on in the process.
She ends up loosing one of her petals and tearing another. She believes that everything was a
mistake and wishes she had never left her safe and quiet pond.
Yet when she sees one of her companions being attacked she springs into action without thinking
and throws her sword at the beast head, which ends up frightening the beast away.
This gives her the confidence she needs to stay on this journey and drive to learn how to properly
use her sword not only to protect herself, but her friends too.

Make a map of this place in Oz where she lives and a travel log of this place (a short paragraph about this place)


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